Personalize Your Wholesale Demo

General Discount
Quantity Breaks / Tried Pricing
All Customers
Only logged in customers
Only tag based customers [ Tag Example : wholesale ]
Multiple Tag base customers [ 10% discount for "Wholeasle Silver" tag and 20% discount for "Wholesale Gold" tag ]
Price Discount
Fixed amount discount
Percentage discount
Apply Quantity Break per Variant (Discount applies per individual item)
Apply Quantity Break across Group (Mix and match products for discount)
Apply Quantity Break across all Groups
Specific collections
Specific products
Specific variants

ALL Catagories

Demo num Discount Group Customers Discount Type Catalog Scehdule View Demo
1 General Discount All Customers Fixed amount discount Specific collections Yes View Demo
2 Quantity Breaks / Tried Pricing Only logged in customers Percentage discount Specific products No View Demo
3 General Discount All Customers Fixed amount discount Specific products Yes View Demo
4 Quantity Breaks / Tried Pricing Only logged in customers Percentage discount Specific products No View Demo
5 General Discount All Customers Fixed amount discount Specific products Yes View Demo
6 Quantity Breaks / Tried Pricing Only logged in customers Percentage discount Specific products No View Demo

Question 1


General Discount
Quantity Breaks / Tried Pricing
View Demo

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  1. 1
  2. 2
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Level 1


Level 2


Level 3


Pricing & Plans 14-days Free Trial

Complete List of Great Feature, With our advanced features, you'll fall in love with
Feature List Basic - $24 Professional $29 Business - $39 Enterprise
14 Days Free Trial
Catalog Size Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Email Support Always Always Always Always
Test & Preview Modes
You can preview wholesale app working before making it live to your customers.
MultiCurrency Checkout
Store Level Discount
Collections Level Discount
Products Level Discount
Variants Level Discount
You can apply different wholesale pricing at variants level. For example 10% off for Small size & 20% off for large size of the same tShirt style.
Example #1: Regular Discount

Manage Wholesale Customers accounts
You can embed a customizable Wholesale Registration form to your website.
There are two options to approve wholesale accounts:
1. Review & Approve Option: When a customer requests for a wholesale account, then the store owner has an option to review the customer details before wholesale account approval or decline.
2. Automatic Approval Option: When a customer submits request for wholesale account then Wholesale All In One application automatically approves the customer Wholesale Account with pre-defined tag in the app configuration such as 'wholesale' tag.
Wholesale Signup Form
Create Wholesale Signup Form to collect different information customer.
1 1 Unlimited
Shipping Management
You can set up Flat Shipping rates for specific tagged customers such as 'wholesale'.
Minimum/Minimum Order Limit
You can set a minimum or maximum order limit for the specific customers groups to place an order.
Quantity Breaks Or Volum Discounts
The Volume discount is perfect if you want to give greater discount based on a customer buying more.
For example,
Tier #1. If customer buys 10 of Product A, the price is $9 per product.
Tier #2. If customer buys 20 of Product A, the price is $7 per product.
Tier #3. If customer buys 30 of Product A, the price is $5 per product.
Wholesale app features available to only Logged-in customers
You can use the Wholesale All In One application features for only Logged-in customers.
Wholesale app features available to all customers (Non logged-in and Logged-in)
You can use the application features for All customers including Logged in and non-logged in.
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Cart Level Discount
You can set up additional discount based on total amount/price of current order such as:
- 10% additional discount for order over $500
- 20% additional discount for order over $1000
- 30% additional discount for order over $1500 etc.

You can also set up additional discount based on Customer lifetime purchase amount (Total purchase amount of previous all orders):
- 10% additional discount for order over $5,000
- 20% additional discount for order over $8,000
- 30% additional discount for order over $10,000 etc.

Note, You can set up discounts in both percentage and/or fixed amount.
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Show the 'members pricing' to non-members, discounted price would be unavailable until they actually became a member.
Show the 'members pricing' to non-members, discounted price would appear on the website will not apply to the orders until they have an approved wholesale account. This feature requires small adjustments and we configure that option upon special request.

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Addon Features available on demand

There is a separate monthly subscription fee for each add-on.
You can activate the add-on of your choice from the app dashboard under the Billing section.
Add-on Feature List Pricing Demo Availability
NetTerm OR Net payment option $2 USD per month Try Demo
Quick Order Form $2 USD per month Try Demo
Advanced Minimum at Product Level $2 USD per month Try Demo
Manage Lock
In order to show/hide specific products to/from specific customers or customer groups, we built the 'Manage Lock' addon. There are two key features of the Manage Lock add-on that allows a merchant to:
- Hide specific products from the specific customers
- Show specific products to the specific customers
Note, You can create multiple rules to Show/Hide products to/from specific customers.
$2 USD per month Try Demo
Bulk Import/Export - discount rules $2 USD per month Try Demo
Variants Level Discount
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